Monday, July 22, 2013

On a Roll

My increased frequency in blog posts was an effort to get me back into the practice of writing.  Apparently it worked.  This weekend I wrote 3,000 words and made some new headway into my book. 

Also, as I mentioned on Facebook, I am have the featured article in this quarter's Portal Magazine.  I'm also on the cover.  Of course, this means my mom had to have a copy as I am now a "cover girl!"  You can order a print copy at

Or you can get a membership to all of their offerings on their website at

I'm really hoping to keep chipping away at it until I see this project to completion.

I'm also reading books with others in a Spirituality focused book study group.  This month's book is Tending the Earth, Mending the Spirit: The Healing Gifts of Gardening by Connie Goldman and Richard Mahler.  Reading this book has kept me thinking about my garden and I even have to water my flowers before I can sit down to read.  I jokingly told Craig yesterday that I must be Hermione, needing homework assignments to keep me going, but either way, its good to have things to look forward to.


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