Wednesday, January 7, 2009

On letting go

Toward the beginning of the year I started pulling Raido, the rune of travel and journey. The past year has definately been one of transition. Everything in my life has changed; the state I live in, my job, my lovers, my coven, and many of my friends.

Since Samhain, (October 31st, the Celtic new year) I started receiving the message of "let go, trust, give in entirely". Whether it be subverting the ego, trusting the Gods, or even just not trying to plan things, all of my lessons deal with trust and disengagement with outcome.

It is scary, unknown, and and grows in an utterly dark place, deep within the earth. I revisit the same old winter themes. Ravens, the Morrigan, Brigid--Keeper of my Hearth, culling for renewal, and dreams.

I suffer from Seasonal Affective Depression Disorder. I have moved yet again, further north and wait for the sun to return. I rest, and dream, like a tree. Hoping for gnosis in the dark.

Blessed be.


  1. You, my dear, are an artist in every sense of the word.

    You are also an amazing woman who had the courage to change her entire life to achieve her dreams.

    I suffer from SAD as well. As will the Winter's chill, this too shall pass.

    And like the tree, your friends will shelter you when you need us.

  2. I'm so glad you posted where you could be found now. I was missing our posts. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I like your new format and layout. Very nice.

    And, at least the light IS returning, huh? :-)

  4. Yes, I had to hibernate for a bit, but I'm keeping this blog more focused on my spiritual journey.
